Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Women's Day!

March 8 - International Women's Day!
Originally called "International Working Women's Day", it was initiated by the UN to bring social and political awareness to the struggles of women worldwide. 

Over the years, the focus on the day has changed in different parts of the world. We took the opportunity to ping few special women in the Zaarga Community to find out their thoughts on the Women's Day.  
Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed compiling it...

"Being a women takes you through multiple challenges everyday, in a male dominated society it feels good to stand straight...and on your own two feet"
- Team Arya of Arya Designs

"I'm a very passionate, determined, strong and dedicated individual. I always wanted to start something on my own. After working for almost 8 years in a Financial Institution, I realized that life is not shaping up the way I want. So I quit and started Barohk, it hasn’t always been easy. The biggest challenge is establishing an identity in an industry ruled by lot of talented designers and also coming up with new concepts and ideas to exceed customer’s expectations. When we find like minded women who we like and think we can accomplish something with by combining our talents we do it and it feels great to work with like minded women."
- Ritu Agarwal, Designer - Barohk

"To us at Cleosara, this is simply one more occasion to remind ourselves about our inspiration – that every woman is interesting in one or more ways. To commemorate Women’s Day, we‘ve been running a simple contest on our Social Media pages. We just asked our Cleosara fans to name the most interesting woman they know. Most entries are not about women who are public personalities or celebrities but about women like mothers, mothers-in-law, friends or mentors – who don’t fit the typical stereotype of women. Interesting? We believe so. Role models for women are definitely changing...."
- Excerpt from Cleosara's Women's Day blog

"In this connected modern world, we are all constantly on the go, busier more than ever. There is always a sense of urgency with things and not enough time. As we celebrate 100th  year of women's day, I really want to pause my life and reflect how far we have come today with not just equal rights to elect and be elected for running a country or a corporation but also as a whole how we have proven to ourselves and others that we are a power to reckon with- in our roles as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and a business woman. Personally I want to dedicate this year to break out of the glass ceiling and be a true role model for my little darling of a daughter and hope to set the right example of believing in oneself. "
- Kanmani Nachimuthu,  Consultant & Homemaker, Dubai

"Life isn't fair,no point whining about, just rev up and go at it full throttle, and you'll find love, build empires, run marathons, lose weight and make a difference!! "
- Me- a mad hatter trying to sort through it all and holding onto my hat as I go full throttle.
(Priya Mathew, Professional & Mom of two, USA)

"Being women is something we both cherish. While we are not  big fans of "days" sometimes it's nice to take a moment to reflect on things like womanhood. We believe women today enjoy many choices - and with this comes a different kind of responsibility. There are many women out there who still struggle with issues of rights and equality, but for those of us who are privileged to lead lives of independence there is absolutely no limit to what we can achieve, other than what we want our boundaries to be. We look around and we find so many women who have redefined their work - life balance, their gender equations or physical capabilities to get what they want out of life. It is this spirit that we would like to celebrate today."
- Pavithra Charan & Mala Dhalani, Partners at Inception Business Services, Chennai

And before we conclude, here are some thoughts from Team Z:

"Technically, I am opposed to this whole concept of "Women's day" because the true spirit of the same has of course been exploited by pure commercialism.  A lot of women have conquered their fears and insecurities in some cases treading where no man or woman has! But then again this is not about competing with men. Its just about women coming into their own , having the freedom to choose how they want to live and what they want to do ! 

Having said that, having a day to celebrate the acheivements of women such that other women are inspired to follow in their path of glory is not a bad idea at all. So here's wishing all the women freedom, happiness and courage to follow their dreams. " 
- Indu Ananth, Co-Founder of Zaarga

Team Z

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