Saturday, December 31, 2011

Designers Speak - Jushmi Barooah

We at Zaarga love and appreciate all the exquisite and contemporary designs of some of the most creative designers in our country. Our constant endeavour is to find designers of this calibre, understand their work, know what inspires them and get them on board Zaarga, so we can bring their work closer for you to lay your hands on.

As you may know, the featured designer section on our Blog springs from our respect for our designer community who have pursued their creative instincts with a passion for excellence. In this, our second featured designer blog, we at Team Zaarga are proud to present Jushmi Barooah – the creative mind behind Caitanya – an interesting, innovative and refreshing line of designer jewellery which you may already have seen on our pages.

A little about Jushmi:

Jushmi has been interested in Design and Art since an early age. A student of NIFT, India, she gained a few years of experience before going to graduate from The Chelsea College of Art and Design, London . With more than seven years of experience in the field of Design and an exposure to international expression of art and design, ‘Caitanya’ is Jushmi’s endeavour to create innovative concepts and direction - using this platform to provoke thought, create awareness.

Caitanya’ a Sanskrit expression, means consciousness - a sense of personal and collective identity and responsibility. Discarding tradition and ideas of commercial bombardment, the designs are an expression of personal interpretation of the rich art, colour and culture of places travelled, moods and shades of the immediate environment, creative arts , poetry and architecture. It’s a celebration of art, colour and form and life.

In conversation with Jushmi:

When did you start designing ?

I have been interested in Design and Art since I was young and my house is full of artworks, furniture, products designed and crafted by me when I was young. My notebooks were filled with model drawings, Betty and Veronica being my inspiration those days. I have studied Fashion Design at NIFT and later graduated from The Chelsea College of Art and Design, London . So with more than seven years of experience in the field of Fashion and expression of art and design, Caitanya is my endeavour to combine Design and Social Awareness, the idea of promoting collective responsibility through the medium of design.

Did you ever dream or think of being something else other than a designer?

I think all kinds of work requires creativity right from crop cultivation to designing and promotion, etc. I have dabbled in many creative fields, textiles, accessories, home, styling, all kinds of creative work fascinates me, be it music, architecture, even electronics. I am fascinated by concepts, individuality.

What is your favourite colour or theme?

Well, one colour enhances the other colour so its hard to pick out a colour as the favourite, I think it would be many shades of blue, shades of green, aqua, black. My designs are a combination of colour, form and various textures.

What / Who would you say is your biggest inspiration?

Our design aesthetic is informed by abstract impressions of the rich art, culture and colours of places travelled, personal experiences, shades of the immediate environment, nature, beauty in the essentials, creative arts, architecture and poetry. A celebration of colour , art and form.

What are the best aspects of your work that you enjoy the most ?

I get immense satisfaction from being able to create awareness about child welfare and the work of Bachpan Bachao Andolan against Child labour, So everytime I am able to forward my little contributions, through sales, awareness in various platforms, I feel useful. As for work, I enjoy researching about a concept and the design process, things I stumble into. The appreciation from people is a huge motivation.

What do you consider the biggest challenge you face today related to your work or design in general?

The journey has been full of challenges, tremendous amount of knowledge gained. Marketing and PR and business related aspects are challenging and intriguing.

Is there any design of yours you consider your best? Which one is it and why? 

There is a pendant that plays with concepts of geometry and a cut stone is encapsulated with any supports, clasps.It was tricky  experimental design so it my favourite. I also  like the silver hoop earrings which combines bold form with delicate details to create a very playful fun design which has always been the effort of our designs.

What is your vision for your work and design? 

With my  design initiative I wish to make more than a bold style statement, that of Solidarity and Social Awareness. ‘Caitanya’ a Sanskrit expression, means consciousness. A sense of personal and collective identity and responsibility.

Caitanya’ aspires to be known for its unique, avant-garde designs teamed with fresh and vibrant assortment of colours! We believe that jewellery should be a reflection of your individual flair and style and so every piece is created to make a statement with an element of fun and playfulness.

Your thoughts on Zaarga.....?

Zaarga is the concept of a creative team that showcases innovative, contemporary design moving away from concepts of commercial bormbardment which is a fresh approach and I am grateful to be a part  of their initiative. I wish them all the luck in creating this new direction to celebrate creativity.

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